Thursday, January 24, 2013

Hallows Descent one year anniversary!

As of this January Hallows Descent will be having its one year anniversary! We have come very far as musicians and as a band. We released our first EP Death Lay Dewinged last month and are already starting on the full length album: OF TIME IMMEMORIAL!!! We will start recording the first recording the first single off the album in February. Expect darker songs, more shredding, 10+ minutes epics, catchy big choruses, and a huge variety of riffs spanning from Power Metal, Melodic Death Metal, Neo Classical Metal, and Black Metal, all combined into a unique sound! Also we have booked our debut show at Ktub in Kirkland, and we will be playing with a national act in March (more info coming VERY SOON). We were happily surprised with the great feedback of the Death Lay Dewinged, and we are extremely grateful to all our supportive and dedicated fans. Those of you who have been with us since the beginning, and those of you new to the Hallows Descent creed, we thank you! Keep the spirit alive in 2013 \m/>.<\m/


Thursday, December 13, 2012

Hard work finally paying off

Hey everyone!
 We’re back with lots of new material, and as you guys might have noticed, we’ve been hard at work. Some of the things we did this month were doing a photos shoot with our very talented friend Vicky, and releasing our very first EP, Death lay Dewinged. (Which is free to download for the first week of its release!) To us, this first release felt like a huge success. Thanks to Double Six studios who helped us record it! However, we all know there is a still lot of room for improvement, which is why we have started work on our first full length album: Of Time Immemorial! This one is set to drop some time next year, and will surface more as time goes on. If you guys liked what we had on the EP, you should all look out for the album. It has all our old tunes, plus some heavier, darker, more epic work that will blow your fucking brains out. Lastly, we are exited to announce that we will definitely be playing some shows in the spring of 2013. There are no set dates yet, but believe us, they will happen, and we would love to see you all there. Thanks for the support everybody \m/

If you want to stream the EP for free go here:

You can also purchase our EP through CDbaby:


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

November update

                   Welcome back to the blog, everyone! I’ll bet you’re all dying to hear about what we’ve been cooking up this last month. The answer, we’re pleased to announce, is tremendous. We’ll be putting the finishing touches on our forthcoming EP Death Lay Dewinged within the next few weeks in order to get it all ready for our December 11th release date.
                    To quote an earlier social media post from us, we did indeed announce a forthcoming album, not an EP. No need to fret, the album is still coming. Of Time Immemorial will be released in the spring of next year. The reason for making the EP is that we really want to start playing shows, and let people hear our music faster. Due to school, jobs, other bands, and transportation restrictions, recording has taken us WAY longer than what we had predicted. We originally planned to have the full album out this autumn, but due to our general naivety, we soon realized what a difficult goal that would be. The EP should tide over your ravenous thirst for material as we do the best job that we possibly can on Of Time Immemorial.

Along with recording, rehearsing, eating frozen pizza, and all the other nefarious shenanigans we get up to, we’re planning to snap some new photos for promotion, as our image has changed drastically since the proto-black metal images we adorned so lavishly over the summer. First off, we now have Santiago sitting behind the kit, so we’ll have to show you what he looks like in order to avoid future confusion. Also, Joey no longer looks like a GILF (Geisha I’d Like to Fuck).
We’ve scoped out a few places, and the pictures will probably be shot in an old abandoned house in Sammamish with lunatic ravings carved onto the walls, and decaying rodents all over the floor. Wish us luck with this endeavor.
I know we announced that we would be recording the album with Stapper Studios, but certain details made it too much of a hassle. There’s no bitterness, it’s simply easier, faster, and cheaper for us to record with Santiago’s dad where we have more control over the mix, since Jacob and Colton are pretty busy with school at the moment. That being said, still hit them up if you want to get a quality recording for a pretty low fee.
With that being said, thanks for sticking with us during the silent days, we appreciate it much more than you think. We hope you’ll enjoy our EP and maybe even come to see us live within the near future. We’ll keep you posted on all of our future events, and please don’t forget to check us out on Twitter and share this page with your friends. Until next time \m/

PS. We have a twitter now! Go follow us at:


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

October update

Hey everybody! So just giving a quick update seeing as we haven't posted a blog entry in a while. We plan to book a show after the release of our single which is still TBA on the release date, but it will be announced soon. We have 3 out of the 4 songs we are going to play live down, the 4th song "Of time immemorial" is 12 minutes long. We have also worked on a awesome sounding orchestra/electronic stage intro. Finally we have also planned another photo shoot seeing as we have a drummer now. There is lots of exiting and epic stuff coming, hope you all have the patience! Also remember to share our facebook page and this blog with your friends, we need help spreading the word!!!


Thursday, September 20, 2012

New drummer and first single!!!!

Hey everybody we got some big things happening. First off we finally found a drummer after a long audition proccess of many people we picked our good friend now brother Santiago Erazo from the rock band Scinite. This means a new photoshoot as well! Also we will be recording our first single DEATH LAY DEWINGED with Colton Strapper and it will be mixed by Colton and Jacob McCaslin.  In fact the full length debut will also be recorded and mixed by Colton and Jacob. There will be lots of melodic guitar leads, big choruses, and some surprises here and there. We will be filming the recording session so there will be a "Making of" type of thing along with the studio logs we filmed over time.


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Album update

 Hey everybody!
We have been pretty busy this past couple of weeks trying to put everything together for our debut. We auditioned a couple drummers, and should have a announcement soon on who that will be. We also decide that Colton Strapper studios will be recording and mixing our debut. We plan on recording a single with them after we decide upon the drummer, which should hopefully be this month. Also our studio log videos are coming, we know we said it would come a while ago but we wanted to put together as many clips as possible to make the best video we can. It will have video of some recording, rehearsing, and us just messing around at practice. Stay updated through the blog and facebook to find out what the release dates will be for the single, studio video, and album! Stay tuned everybody some epic stuff is coming!


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The new Hallows Descent blog

Hey everybody! We are going to start bloging on blogspot now instead of Reverbnation. You will be able to get to know what is happening inside the band, like recording, new songs, and live show recaps. New blog post should come about every other week so be sure to check in every now and then! Also be sure to follow us on Facebook and Reverbnation

- Joey