Thursday, September 20, 2012

New drummer and first single!!!!

Hey everybody we got some big things happening. First off we finally found a drummer after a long audition proccess of many people we picked our good friend now brother Santiago Erazo from the rock band Scinite. This means a new photoshoot as well! Also we will be recording our first single DEATH LAY DEWINGED with Colton Strapper and it will be mixed by Colton and Jacob McCaslin.  In fact the full length debut will also be recorded and mixed by Colton and Jacob. There will be lots of melodic guitar leads, big choruses, and some surprises here and there. We will be filming the recording session so there will be a "Making of" type of thing along with the studio logs we filmed over time.


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Album update

 Hey everybody!
We have been pretty busy this past couple of weeks trying to put everything together for our debut. We auditioned a couple drummers, and should have a announcement soon on who that will be. We also decide that Colton Strapper studios will be recording and mixing our debut. We plan on recording a single with them after we decide upon the drummer, which should hopefully be this month. Also our studio log videos are coming, we know we said it would come a while ago but we wanted to put together as many clips as possible to make the best video we can. It will have video of some recording, rehearsing, and us just messing around at practice. Stay updated through the blog and facebook to find out what the release dates will be for the single, studio video, and album! Stay tuned everybody some epic stuff is coming!
